Valorous Eagles

Merging Crypto and Politics to fight for Liberty, Rationality, and Free Expression in the Web3 era
You’re early. Join the Discord today for a chance to become a Founding Father, including:
Early access to the Eyrie (member channels)
A whitelist spot for the Valorous Eagles public mint
Join a first-of-its-kind experiment in the NFT space
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We’re a brand-new NFT project designed to build a strong, intelligent, pro-freedom community to come together for a common purpose.

Many problems exist in the world of Politics and Crypto today, including:

Web3 has strayed far from its initial, laudable goals of decentralization. Centralized actors (CEXs, OpenSea, etc), many with a propensity to censor and control, own much of the space
​Free and open political discourse is stifled by a small number of tech oligarchs, determining what people can and can’t say
The general population has a decreasing appetite for freedom and liberty – as has been especially evidenced in recent years
Most political discourse is vapid and fruitless, meant to be appeal to society’s least-common-denominator


Being in a tight-knit collective of intelligent freedom-lovers; writers and philosophers, investors and developers, who want to solve these problems…

Hard workers with a vested interest in preserving Western civilization from the Left’s agenda and from the “Great Reset”.

The level of discourse is high, and the community supports each other.

At the very least, it’d be a refuge of sanity, fellowship, and enlightenment in an increasingly delusional world.

But what if it could be more than that?

Would-be writers, podcast hosts, and speakers would be dying to get in to bounce ideas off of the community and to have 10,000 automatic supporters of the projects they seek to embark on…many of whom would be likely to have the means to provide financial support/investment

Developers of pro-freedom Web3 alternatives to traditional social media / Web2 institutions would likewise be motivated to take part.

The collective would serve as a sounding board for ideas among the best and brightest, and a networking group for action-takers in the Web3 and Anti-Left political arenas

And while nothing is guaranteed… if all goes well, this would be only the beginning. See ROADMAP for more details.

Valorous Eagles may not be for you if:
You’re incapable of discussing ideas rationally / think “-ism” and “-phobe” words are valid arguments / use words like “normalize” and “problematic” unironically on a regular basis / are “woke” / have bought into the worst parts of modern Leftist ideology.
You’re looking to get rich quick. We’ll be selective about who becomes a Founding Father, and we’re not going to “pump the floor” with popular pump-inducing strategies. If you join, it’s because you’re committed to the long-term vision.
You’re not aligned with our core values. We intend to welcome a wide range of people across the political spectrum. From Libertarians, to traditional Conservatives, to Centrists, Nationalists, independent thinkers, and much more, we want to be a community that fosters healthy discussion, debate, and planning for the future. Even liberal-leaning people are welcome – I’ve known many intelligent liberals who are happy to engage and provide quality discussion. We value the only kind of “diversity” that’s actually a strength – the diversity of ideas. However – if you’re a communist, socialist, oppose possession of private property, play the “oppression olympics” game, or are a slogan-parrot of the Blue Checkmark gang, you won’t be welcomed into the Eyrie.
Valorous Eagles may be for you if:
You’re excited to partake in a brand-new experiment in the NFT space, and be a part of something bigger than yourself
ou’ve been troubled by recent affairs in the world, and look forward to discussing the problems and their solutions with other intelligent, like-minded people.
​You’d like a refuge for sane, rational, and free political discourse above that which any social media site would dare provide
You’re excited by the prospect of helping artists, writers, podcasts hosts, speakers, Web3 developers, and other innovators in this space network, flesh out their ideas, and help bring pro-freedom ideas and technological innovations to life
Read to join our Eyrie? Go to the Discord and ask about becoming a Founding Father today, for a chance to mint your NFT for free.
Join the Discord


The current plan to build and grow the Valorous Eagles community. Not a promise or guarantee.
Phase 1: Building the Foundations
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Phase 3: Consolidating the Culture
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Phase 2: Expanding the Eyrie
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Phase 4: Soaring High
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Join the Discord to see about becoming a Founding Father!
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You’re early.
Join the Discord and become a Founding Father.

Early access to the Eyrie

A whitelist spot for the Valorous Eagles public mint

The ability to help shape the future of our vision and project